Circular economy

Temporary cold chain in store renovation — Force minimizes waste

Store overhauls can create challenges in maintaining the cold chain, leading at worst to significant food waste. Force has developed solutions that ensure uninterrupted operation of the cold chain in store renovations, thereby reducing waste and saving costs.

Why cold chain maintenance is critical in store remodeling?

When the stationary refrigeration equipment in the store is renewed, it is important that the storage temperatures for products remain consistently appropriate. Force has settled the case by providing its customers with mobile temporary refrigeration equipment. These devices are delivered to the customer's premises exactly when the need is greatest, that is, during the replacement of old equipment. This strategy ensures that store remodeling does not interrupt the cold chain and demolition of old refrigeration equipment, as well as installation of new equipment, is easier to schedule to fit the rest of the store renovation.

Benefits of temporary refrigeration equipment

Force ensures that temporary refrigeration equipment is in place at the right time and is immediately ready for use. This keeps the cold chain intact until new, permanent refrigeration equipment is installed and put into operation. Thanks to this arrangement, food does not spoil and food waste is effectively minimized.

Force's role in cold chain management and store reforms

Force not only delivers temporary cold solutions, but also provides end-to-end project management and logistics planning, ensuring all operations are implemented smoothly and on schedule. This approach minimizes disruption from both a staff and customer perspective and supports business continuity during store remodeling.

Planning and timing are key to all renovations and renovations. Properly timed actions support business continuity even during changes. Temporary cold solutions provided by Force will allow stores to continue operating as normal during the store overhaul.

Force is committed to providing solutions that support sustainability and help customers achieve their business goals in an environmentally friendly way. Contact us to learn more about how we manage store remodeling without disrupting store operations, cold chains and customers.