Lifecycle services

Senson and Force: a collaborative proactive and green maintenance process

Senson is an innovative manufacturer of cereal-based liquid ingredients serving the food and beverage industry, which is part of the traditional Poltymo Group. The cooperation with Force, which began less than a year ago, aims to modernize the maintenance functions of equipment used in Senson's manufacturing processes.

The first joint step has been the introduction of a maintenance system.

- A properly implemented maintenance system makes it possible to implement predictive maintenance strategies, that is, to predict and prevent potential failures, problems before they cause major downtime or quality deviations in production, explains the Business Manager Jari Korhonen For Force Lifecycle Services.

In addition to safe processes, the biggest goals are to take into account food safety and green maintenance strategies. These will strengthen key areas for the environment, such as reducing waste, reducing waste, improving energy efficiency and machine lifecycle management, and using environmentally friendly materials and methods for equipment maintenance and repair. Strategic planning and practical activities aim to minimise the environmental impact of industrial and other plant maintenance.

Force brings with it its solid decades of experience in various industry sectors. This ensures smooth, reliable and timely maintenance processes.

- Cooperation with Force has started well. Our main mission at Senson is to provide innovative products to our customers worldwide. With Force, we are able to take our maintenance practices to the next level and improve the predictability and planning of our production. The implementation of the maintenance system can already be seen in everyday everyday life, streamlining our operations. As maintenance improves, we will be able to serve our customers even better in the future, says Senson's Production Manager Heikki Hartikka.

Stay tuned and we will tell you more about how we improve competitiveness and equipment lifecycle with modern maintenance methods taking into account environmental aspects!